Thursday, February 10, 2005

To Live is Christ

(this is an online sharing to the Milk-and-Honey CG, 2/10/05)

I remember a remark by my colleague at work about his older brother, "Even though he's 32 years old, he still doesn't know what he wants to do." This statement made me believe that almost everybody in their 20's is questioning his/herself: "what do I want to do". I believe this question actually reflects a more serious concern about life. At this early stage of life, it's important that we discover our passion. Therefore through this sharing let me invite you to learn together.

When you think about life, we all experience the highs and the lows, the hills and the valleys, the blessings and the sufferings, the joy and the pain. But what is the purpose of them all? When we think about the pain of life and the potential joy of life, the question of "what do I want to do" is really: "what can make this life worth living for?"

"To live is Christ" is Paul's answer to that question (Phill. 1:21).

One of the most beautiful God's gifts to us is a free will. Therefore, we are always occupied with some goals; which could be happiness for some people, or lofty ambitions for some others. But the fact of the matter is as long as we live, we will always be occupied with goals, and we're always in action to achieve the things that we wish for. But we may not forget that upon the time God calls us home, we'll look back to what we have done during our life and be held accountable.

Then, the question "what do I want to do" are really two questions. What can make you:
(1) Fully-satisfied and at rest when you die and look back upon your life, while also makes you:
(2) Unsatisfied and restless while you live.


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